Friday, July 14, 2006

Wish List

I’ve been hanging out a lot at my new home on the web, ILP.  I love that place, and I always come away from there inspired to try new things.  I have a bagillion ideas for pictures of the girls I want to take, and now I have a wish list of things I want to get.

  • Obviously, I want my digital camera, my Nikon D70.  I’m just a couple of weeks away from that, and once I have it in my hands….look out!

  • I want some backdrops.  Either muslin or seamless paper.  I know that I can use king size sheets, or comforters.  I just need something to use for a backdrop.

  • I need reflectors.  I am all about saving money and finding short cuts because I don’t have a lot of money, so I know that those sun-shields used in cars, you know, to keep it cool in the summer, well, they can be used as reflectors (if you get the silver ones).  

  • I need lights.  The natural, (and unnatural) light in my apartment SUCKS!  My lights in my apartment suck.  I can’t take any pictures in my apartment, at all, period.  Which really limits my photography options. A LOT!

  • I could also use some willing models who will let me practice on them.  My kids are getting damn sick and tired of the camera always being pointed in their direction.  Hard to get good pictures when the kids are running away, screaming “NOT AGAIN!”


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