Saturday, May 20, 2006

My weekend

I have a weekend free of kids and plans, well, plans with someone. My weekend plans consist of this:

I am studying, reading, learning, practicing, learning, reading, practicing, reading, practicing, well, you get the picture (pun intended).

I spend hours at my favorite website ILP reading, re-reading, studying, looking, learning and then I grab my camera and practice, practice, practice.

Even after all of this, I'm not tired of it, I'm just hungry and thirsty for more. I want to learn more, do more, take more pictures. Everywhere I look now, I see pictures, I see life in frames, I watch television and pay more attention to the lighting and the shadows.

I was looking for beach wedding pictures for a friend yesterday. I found a couple of 'professional' photographer's websites and looked at their galleries. Some of the pictures were really good, but I had to laugh at myself because there were a few that the focus was too soft, or the contrast was too high, or the color was off, there was a tint to the picture. I would never have seen that a month ago. I look at other pictures now with a more critical eye, and I get tickled about it. That means I'm learning something.

So, it's off to more reading, more studying, more practicing. Too bad my kids are at their dad's this weekend. I could sure use some models.

I may have to settle for stuffed animals.

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