Friday, May 05, 2006

Welcome, come along for the journey

I know, 3 blogs is quite an ambitious undertaking for a single mom of 3 kids. Sometimes I'm an over achiever. Sometimes I just get in way over my head.

Anyway, I have always held a secret dream to become a photographer. Logically, financially, creatively, (does it matter) there were always reasons, things, people, expectations, situations holding me back, making it impossible, unattainable, out of reach.

Then, last week, Boo and I stumbled across a moving sale that we almost didn't go to at all. What a treasure trove of goodies we found there. Another beautiful bed, (that we don't really have room for, but will make room for, because we couldn't walk away from it) golf clubs, movies, you name it, we found it. And in the midst of all this chaos, I litterally stumbled over a camera bag containing an Olympus OM10 with 3 different lenses. It was a steal and a dream come true. At that point there was nothing, nobody, standing in the way, holding me back, keeping me from chasing my dream.

And so it came to be, that I now have a camera that I am learning to love, and am exploring a world I had seen in other's pictures, now I'm finding my own way. Cameras open up the world, and give you new vision. Looking at things through the lens of a camera teaches you so much about you and the world around you. By narrowing your vision to such a small and limited field, you are forced to see so much more, more beauty, more detail.

I am so looking forward to getting to know my children better, through my camera. With the camera between us, I can cease to be Mom, and they will relax and open up to me. Through the lens of my camera I can see things in them that they try so hard to hide.

I want them to see how beautiful I think they are, this is my chance to show them exactly how I see them. My father once told me, a person can not tell a story without telling their story, everything they say it tained with their 'truth' their reality, their story, their history. I believe the same is true about photographers. They can not take a picture of someone without taking a picture of themselves as well.

So, I begin my journey, my quest to make my dream come true. You are more than welcome to join me for as long or as little as you would like. I'd enjoy the company. Feel free to vist often, or occassionally, but please, above all, feel welcome to share this with me.

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